- Crosscheck
- Cross|check 〈[krɔ̣stʃɛk] m. 6; Sp.; (Eis-)Hockey〉 das Behindern des Gegners durch einen regelwidrigen Einsatz des Schlägers [engl.]
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Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
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Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
crosscheck — UK [ˈkrɒsˌtʃek] / US [ˈkrɔsˌtʃek] / US [ˌkrɔsˈtʃek] verb [transitive] Word forms crosscheck : present tense I/you/we/they crosscheck he/she/it crosschecks present participle crosschecking past tense crosschecked past participle crosschecked to… … English dictionary
crosscheck — UK crosscheck UK US /ˈkrɒstʃek/ US /ˈkrɑːs / / ˈ / verb [I or T] ► to make certain that information, a calculation, etc., is correct, by asking a different person or using a different method of calculation: »We used to cross check the… … Financial and business terms
crosscheck — verb (T) to make certain that results or calculations are correct by using a different method of calculation from the one you first used crosscheck noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
crosscheck — /krɒsˈtʃɛk/ (say kros chek), /ˈkrɒstʃɛk/ (say kroschek) verb (t) 1. to determine the accuracy of, usually by checking from different sources; recheck. –noun 2. such a check: a quick crosscheck of the figures …
crosscheck — cross·check (krôsʹchĕk , krŏsʹ ) tr.v. cross·checked, cross·check·ing, cross·checks 1. To verify by comparing with parallel or supplementary data. 2. Sports. To check illegally in ice hockey by striking an opponent with one s hockey stick held in … Universalium
crosscheck — 1. noun a) A penalty. b) A penalty where a player hits another player with the shaft of their lacrosse stick with their hands spread apart. 2. verb a) To hit another player with the … Wiktionary
Crosscheck — Cross|check 〈[krɔ̣stʃɛk] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Sport; (Eis )Hockey〉 das Behindern des Gegners durch einen regelwidrigen Einsatz des Schlägers [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Crosscheck — Cross|check [...tʃɛk] der; s, s <zu engl. check »Hindernis«> regelwidriger Körperangriff beim Eishockey mit hoch u. quergehaltenem Schläger … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
crosscheck — cross|check [ krɔs,tʃek, ,krɔs tʃek ] verb transitive to check that information is correct by checking it again using a different method ╾ cross|check noun count … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
crosscheck — n. double check; (Sports in ice hockey) check in an illegal way by hitting an opponent with one s hockey stick held in both hands and lifted off the ice … English contemporary dictionary